Friday, June 23, 2006


If you are not a year-round resident of Ocracoke you may not have known Tom Leonard, an islander for more than a quarter of a century, who died suddenly last week. Tom didn't have a high profile, tourist related job. But if you walked or biked along our streets you undoubtedly saw evidence of his handiwork. Tom was a talented and dedicated landscaper who added beauty and art to village yards and lawns, both residential and commercial.

Tom sported a bushy salt & pepper beard and was often found at the coffee shop, his infectious smile and good nature radiating out across the lawn. We will miss Tom, but are happy that he shared so many years with his adopted Ocracoke family.

You can read our latest newsletter here. It's the story of the Invasion of Ocracoke & Portsmouth in the War of 1812.

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